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Battlefield 2042

   Before the launch of   Battlefield 2042 , EA and DICE were adamant that the title would be what fans wanted. Phrases like "well ahead of schedule," "a love letter to fans," and "have faith fam" were all said leading up to its launch. However, the game ultimately failed to deliver for both fans and EA. The title has been referred to internally "as a miss," but work to make things right for players is still ongoing. Despite the poor numbers that Battlefield 2042 has generated, there is a new Battlefield title in active development, and EA is providing the resources needed to bring back the franchise. Although the next Battlefield game is in its pre-production stage, one inside source has said that "valuable lessons" have been learned following the release of Battlefield 2042. "I think we'll be reverting a lot of the changes we made in Battlefield 2042", it was said. It's too early to comment on specifics of the next g... is a great run and jump game. Run with you Viking faster you can jump over obstacles using your skills. Pick up beer to make your race longest. Play games